Donate To The Friends
Donations accepted
November 16 - April 12
Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays, & Saturdays, 9-12
If these donation times don't work for you
or you have 14 or more boxes to donate,
call 607-272-2223 or email info@booksale.org
to make an appointment to drop off your books.
When the Ithaca schools are closed due to inclement weather, the Book Sale is also closed.
Location: 509 Esty Street, Ithaca NY 14850
Preparing items
for donation:
~Small moving boxes are
good size. Bags welcome.
(If you have trouble lifting it, so will we.)
~Pack books flat in box.
~See guidelines below.
Need a tax receipt?
Print and complete the
online form BEFORE coming to the book sale building. Record the total number of donated books in each category.

books in any language in good condition, clean, dry, and mold-free
CDs, music & audio books,
commercially recorded -
DVDs or Blue-Ray
encyclopedias published before 1920
some magazines (see list)
miscellaneous:sheet music, current calendars, unused cards/postcards, photo albums (empty), & unused blank books
puzzles and games
sewing patterns
software and manuals
textbooks less than 10 yrs; classics in the field
vinyl records (LPs, 78s, 45s)
We Gladly Accept...

Sorry, We Can't Take...
Our sales are only as good as the donations we get. We can only sell books in good condition. Books that are damp, moldy or smelly, have torn covers, missing pages, or have been nibbled on by the family pet cannot be sold. Please recycle these books yourself.
Please Do Not Donate Books That Have...

Other Items We Cannot Take
items unhealthy to handle - dirty, moldy, smelly, burnt, or wet (if you wouldn't give it to a friend, please don't give it to the Friends!)
textbook, written in or underlined, or more than 10 years old
calendars from earlier years
VHS tapes, cassettes tapes, 8-track tapes
theses or dissertations
general encyclopedias published after 1920
encyclopedia year books
homemade DVDs or CDs
case studies, statutes & regulations law books
Reader’s Digest condensed books, except large type editions
children's encyclopedias
children's magazines
AAA Travel Guides
most magazines (see list)